Aerostar NOVA 20″ x 30″ x 1″ Pleated Filters MERV 8
Cat #: X1204
The Aerostar® NOVA self-supported pleated air filter is a perfect fit to remove airborne irritants in the HVAC units in commercial, light commercial and industrial buildings alike. Ideal applications include office and retail, industrial filtration, single and multi-family housing, government and education facilities, and healthcare applications from doctor offices and assisted living facilities to hospitals. The NOVA offers:
- Self-supporting pleats withstand significant abuse from shipping damage and mishandling
- State-of-the-art 100% synthetic media for high efficiency with low air flow resistance
- Low pressure drop minimizes energy costs
- No RoHS risk, fully incinerable and reduced landfill waste due to the elimination of heavy metals
- Moisture resistant paperboard frame maintains strength while wet, will not promote microbial growth
- Achieves MERV 8 for Standard Capacity and High Capacity ratings
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